Creating Sound Temperaments in Poodles

At Tyler Mall on Labor Day 2017 walking the young ones around the mall for environmental acclimation. Really important to get the young ones out in different areas that have different sights, smells and sounds. Not for very young puppies but at 6 months or so we take them out. They have very stable temperaments as individuals adults if time is given for these activities when they are puppies. #admirtaionstandardpoodles #stabletempermentpuppies #funwithpoodles #makepeoplesmile

Poodle Temperament

Theo enjoying his vacation
Creative Commons License photo credit: Living in Monrovia

Many people who know Poodles love them for the unmistakable Poodle temperament they display.

Always ready to please and eager to share their love (but also ready to take – demand – your love).

Standard Poodles are smart and quite lively. They are almost God-like in that they are forgiving and graceful. They always seem to know what you want.  No matter what mood you’re in they will try to pick you up. If you’re already in a great mood, they catch on to that quickly.

There’s nothing like the temperament of the Standard Poodle. Once you’ve experienced it for yourself, you’ll never forget it 🙂