An Open Letter to Poodle Lovers Everywhere

At Admiration, our Main Objective is to do what is best for each and every individual Standard Poodle and ultimately do what will help our wonderful breed to flourish for many years to come.

At Admiration, we strive to continue our own education and to share our knowledge and experience freely with others. We believe that the Standard Poodle deserves to have many educated Guardians; that isolated factions, using “scare tactics” and “smear campaigns” in marketing, which promote that only a handful of “designer lines” should be bred, will ultimately be the demise of our breed. Gene pools need to remain as broad as possible.

The breed is also effected heavily, and in our opinion mostly, by the bombardment of heavy vaccines, antibiotics, steroids, pestisides (both internal and external), food that would be better used as landfill, water filled with over 20,000 chemicals if directly from the tap and lack of excercise and fresh air.

Each and every family in our poodle lines has unique and individual qualities that are valuable and should be respected. Education is the key to success here!

We need to work together to make sure that we don’t lose any more of our family heritages. Breeders communicating with Breeders, and Breeders communicating to those who wish to be owned by a Standard Poodle are of utmost importance if our wonderful friends are to persist.

Furthermore, you should be aware of the following statement by The American Kennel Club:

“The American Kennel Club should be the leading resource for information about dog breeding and breeders. An AKC Breeders Department would facilitate development of an environment in which AKC could work with breeders, veterinarians and other animal scientists to create a science-based informational resource that would position AKC as the leading authority on dog breeding and ownership.

“Currently, and for more than a decade, public perception about purebred dog breeding often has been framed by organizations that focus on problems associated with breeding, which they commonly use as fundraising issues. Topics include overpopulation, substandard breeding operations, genetic diseases and similar issues. The result is that the American public has adopted a negative focus and has absorbed a lot of misinformation and half-truths about breeding and purebred dogs from groups that in some cases oppose breeding altogether.

“The dog fancy has also been influenced by these campaigns. Many breeders are basing their breeding decisions, at least in part, on their perception of issues such as pet overpopulation. Because of this, many dog fanciers today define a good breeder as one who seldom breeds. “Less is better” is the mantra. Breed enthusiasts working for the improvement of their breeds have always understood that breeding should be done for quality and not quantity, but some fanciers have concluded that it is morally wrong to produce any more dogs while some are euthanized in shelters. The problem with this conclusion, however, is that it has simply transferred breeding to others. The public wants purebred dogs. Demand drives supply! Today, commercially bred foreign dogs, many with serious health problems, are entering the US pet market because there are not enough puppies in the US to fill the demand.

“Public relations, public education and legislative efforts can only go so far without having an expert-based resource to rely on for information about breeding-related issues. Breeders are the backbone of the AKC sport of purebred dogs. Their interests deserve more focused attention than they now receive.

“Because of the many long-term campaigns against breeders and breeding as well as the more routine challenges faced by urban breeders today, purebred dog breeding needs an advocate. Based on its mission, traditions and unique expertise, the American Kennel Club is the only organization that can effectively assume this leadership role.”*


*(Grateful acknowledgement: American Kennel Club)