Doggy Allergies

Long Term Treatment

Change of diet is important. Nothing with grain of any kind in it. No treats like; pig ears, smoked cow hooves or raw hide. No treats that have been processed in any way.

Put her on a Grain free food. Natural Balance Venison and Sweet Potato Limited ingredients is a good one. She should not eat anything she had in her first year of life. Since most foods have chicken, beef or lamb. Stay away from these. Do not give her anything from the doogie food isle at the Grocery Store.

Short Term to Handle the Acute Symptoms

Put her on Prairie Paste get 2 tubes and give her double dose 3-5 times per day until All Prairie Paste is used in both tubes. Then when you run out of Prairie Paste put her on Critter Corral, double dose for one month then regular dosage until used up.

Lavender mist sprayed on the rash several times a day is very soothing. It’s calming, healing, antibacterial, and analgesic. Just put a few drops of lavender essential oil in about 1/2 cup water, or tea and apply. Apply it about 5 times a day. Pick lavender oil up at the health food store.

Give her a dose of Advantage. She is probably allergic to fleas as well. One bite will send her into a tizzy. By reducing her allergen load through nutrition you can help reduce her reaction to fleas if she is allergic to the fleas saliva.