Crate Training for Fiona

Fiona is getting reluctant to go into her crate and while I am not opposed to giving treats I am concerned that if she gets one every time then it will take one every time.

Using treats at Fiona’s current age (4 months) is a good thing. Always say “crate” as she enters. This command will imprint on her and when you start your formal obedience with her she will learn the concept of doing as you tell her to do simply because you tell her to do it. Treat training is a gentle and positive way to get a puppy started on a good behavior.

Handling Classes at PoodleTown

Handling Class on a beautiful spring evening at PoodleTown with Mark Stephenson instructing.

As you can see here, Poodles learn very quickly. Anja thinks she knows it all. Dallas is so happy to be learning as well.

Logan and his little dachshund friend are getting ready for the Junior-Handling ring when Logan is old enough.

Participating in group activities with your dog is good socialization for both your dog and you.

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Admiration Wins Again

Admiration wins again at the “Desert to the Sea Dog Fanciers'” ALL BREED FUN MATCH this past weekend at the Hotel Claremont! What a fun day playing with our Poodle puppies. Elizabeth Conway, new owner to “Admiration Dallas at Falcon Crest” aka “Dallas” and I had so much fun watching Dallas get so excited and happy about being out, strutting his stuff. Dallas gave a big “Hello” to everyone he encountered. What a show puppy! Chelsey was a little star in the ring, loving every minute.

We had many laughs watching little Chinese Shar Pei puppies and French Bulldog puppies, HOW CUTE!

Stephanie, Admiration’s grooming assistant, was the photographer that day. What a good job she did! We are looking forward to our next Dog Show day out with the gang. Hope you enjoy this little Slide Show.

Greetings from Cindy Lou Who’s new family

Just wanted you to know that Cindy Lou is absolutely wonderful.  I love her soooo much.  She is a very very special girl.  She’s doing well with *everything*!  I’ve had her on the grooming table for some clipping 2xs plus a couple of more times just for brushing and she is doing well.  She’s had a couple of baths too – I have a nice stainless steel bath in the grooming room that Tim got for me a year ago.

We’ve been getting her out several times a week for socialization and she is amazing.

And, Zorro is so good with her.  He plays very gently with her and they adore each other.

Hope you have a happy weekend!

Bloating | Bloat: Do Poodles Burp?

(in response to an email)

Thank you for your email. Burping means gas build up. Not good because it can lead to Bloat which can be fatal.

Things that help to prevent Bloating are:

  1. No Exercise 1 hour before or after meals
  2. NO feeding or watering out of elevated bowls
  3. Feeding only highly digestible foods that your dog is not allergic to like Raw Green Tripe
  4. No grains in food
  5. Feeding a number of small meals instead of one big meal
  6. No “Free Feeding’ – (having food available at any given time)
  7. Chiropractic adjustments
  8. Prairie Paste – 3 tubes, double dose 4 times per day until gone.
  9. After Prairie Paste treatment is completed add double dose of Critter Corral to food with each meal.
  10. Do not let your dog bark for long durations of time. They swallow air and this can blow up the belly and cause bloat.
  11. If dog is very thirsty only allow small amounts of water at 10 minute intervals. Never allow them to drink in excess, particularly if feeding kibble which can bulk up and cause bloat and torsion (can lead to a quick death).
  12. Purchase a Bloat Kit to fend off torsion on the way to your emergency treatment facility. We can provide this to you on special order.

Hope all this gives you some good information to work with.
Take care.
